Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Munchkin Cthulhu

An equpiment card, monster card, and class card respectively.
In class in early September, I brought Munchkin Cthulhu to play.
The story is no mystery in Munchkin Cthulhu as the box proudly exclaims "Kill the monsters, steal the treasure, stab your buddy and go mad." The game is about killing monsters to level up. The first player to level 10 wins the game. There are two stacks of cards, "regular,"  and "treasure," which the players sit in a circle around. Players take turns by drawing a card from the regular stack. If the card is a monster, the player's equipment and class determine whether they can defeat the monster. If the player is victorious, they get a number of treasure cards as indicated by the monster card and they level up by one. If the player is unsuccessful, "bad stuff" happens as also indicated on the card. "Bad stuff," can range from losing a turn to turning over all equipment. What's interesting is that other players can use cards they have gained  to aid either side in the fight.

Although the game is humorous, emotions can run high as players backstab each other in order to achieve victory. People who you think are your allies can quickly become enemies with one play of a card and revenge always seems to ensue. Munchkin Cthulhu can be very rewarding as one's character becomes increasingly powerful with the acquisition of new equipment and abilities, but it's definitely a game you want to avoid if you want to keep your friends.

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